3 Customer-Obsession Behaviours for the digital age

It’s not all that difficult to find a spark for innovation, but it is nearly impossible to sustain it successfully. The few Organisations that do share a singular factor: customer obsession. The term “obsession” signals a matchless level of focus, prioritization, and an intentionality that surpasses customer-centricity. It is a commitment to keep the customer…


Why the Future really is Now

As we reach the end of 2021, no one would disagree that the world is a very different place from two years ago. Angela Tooley, Enterprise Development Manager in the College of Business, Law and Social Sciences at the University of Derby, explains why businesses need to embed the learning gained over the last couple…


How to align your IT Strategy with your Business Objectives

For growth and sustainability, businesses– no matter the size– should embrace information technology (IT) and the tools that facilitate it. Thus, at the onset of enterprise creation, an IT strategy should also be formulated to drive business objectives forward.  Not many business executives realize that IT has essential operational contributions—from streamlining your daily processes to…
